好看剧情非常有意思顺便认识了好多外星人和反派…bat太可爱了w所谓粉到深处自然黑不外乎如此很多名场面黑历史hhhh以及常服三巨头也太好看了车祸后妈妈嫁给了我即便是豆豆眼 get到了金色先锋虽然大部分时候很不正经看似毫无责任感又很浮夸实则却只是默默经历着只有自己记住的时间 你的为人远胜于别人对你的评价 You're a better person than anybody gives you credit for.
It amuses me how David Lean portrayed Brits, Americans, Japanese and Canadian. Pretty accurate. Americans are always the practical and shameless ones. And did they call Kiwi Lime? I mean, they are both fruits, but I wonder what New Zealanders think of it.